
Posts Tagged ‘Creativity; Creative Process; Flow’

Here’s an excerpt from my journal on creative flow: I’m feeling in the flow of creativity! There’s a watershed of creative juices bubbling through me- it’s exhilarating.  Though the censor still makes ” his” appearances, unbidden! But I remember Trude’s words: ” You produce the work and God puts in the quality. Your part is the quantity not quality control- that’s up to God.” ( Trude was an Angelic Master Alignment facilitator.) Still, the censor wants to add its two cents. ” So- you think that’s good- huh!”  or ” Is that all?” Or any other dissatisfied, critical comments it can muster. The difference right now is that I’m just so grateful to be doing it and I’m not going to let anything get in the way of that, be it my own thoughts or other people’s opinions.

The other thing that helps is the fact that I feel like the ideas are being channeled, so it really doesn’t have much to do with me anyway. If anything, I’m moving out of the way for it to come through me. That also takes the onus off of “trying” to be, rather than just allowing. Being in the creative flow makes me feel happy and inspired. The definition of an artist, for me, is expressing the love that you are. And I’m expressing it and that’s all that matters. That’s enough. Every other diversion or distraction cannot interfere with this flow. It’s too addictive and bliss inspiring to deter me.  I feel the way I did as a child, when I was excited about waking up to play ( outside, with my dolls, toys, create, whatever). Well, I feel that exuberance again for creating- playing!

What sparks your creative flow? And what interrupts it? I know from experience how the Inner Critic can attempt to derail the creative process by interfering too prematurely. This can disrupt the natural flow of creation by bringing in the editor too soon. We have to practice reminding the Inner Critic to wait till the process has completed itself before he steps in to edit and critique it. His role otherwise is like an obstreperous child, demanding attention and being disruptive. The author SARK gives the floor to her Inner Critics, thanks them for their feedback, gives them another task to do and then returns to her creation. She also consults her Inner Wise Self  ( i.e. Spirit, Higher Self, etc.)  regularly for guidance on all of her projects. She writes an Inner Wise Self Note everyday to herself. Here is an example:

” Dearest Floating Ball of Wonder SARK, or _____________( insert your name) I am with you in all of it. There is never a time you are without my love, my care, my admiration. I see you everywhere. Release future-izing- it is all being handled in ways you cannot see or get to know. Expand your capacities of love, faith and unconditional love. You are a Divinely known Being and being supported as you continue to navigate your luscious, lovable life. I love you utterly, into infinity. Love, Your Inner Wise Self.”

May you joyfully follow your creative Muse!

By Annalene Hart

Annalene is a Creativity Guide and Enchantment Coach.


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